Accelerating Retail Success with Advanced Data Services

Advanced Data Services

Empowering Frictionless Commerce Solutions

In today’s fast-paced digital era, retailers are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay ahead of the competition. With the abundance of data available, harnessing its power has become crucial for driving business growth and improving customer experiences. Data services, including data ingestion, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), warehouse management, stream computing, machine learning (ML), scalability, reduced latencies, data governance, and accuracy, are instrumental in unlocking valuable insights. In this blog post, we will explore how Retail Insights, a leading global omnichannel technology company, leverages advanced data services to deliver transformative solutions for its clients.

Advanced Data Services

Empowering Algorthirmic Commerce Solutions

Retail Insights, your partner for advanced commerce solutions, is an award-winning global omnichannel technology company. Their extensive range of core services, including omnichannel commerce implementations, algorithmic merchandising platform-led implementations, and connected data conversion optimization (CRO), enables retailers to unlock the true potential of their data.

Data Ingestion: Gathering Actionable Insights

Effective data ingestion forms the foundation of any successful data strategy. Retail Insights excels in leveraging robust data ingestion techniques to collect and process data from various sources such as online and offline sales, customer interactions, and marketing campaigns. By consolidating and standardizing data, retailers gain a holistic view of their operations, allowing them to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

ETL and Data Warehousing: Transforming Raw Data into Business Intelligence

Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes and data warehousing play a vital role in transforming raw data into valuable business intelligence. Retail Insights employs state-of-the-art ETL methodologies to cleanse, validate, and enrich data, ensuring accuracy and consistency. Leveraging efficient data warehousing techniques, Retail Insights creates scalable and secure environments where retailers can store and access their data seamlessly. This enables businesses to drive data analytics, generate actionable insights, and improve overall operational efficiency.

Stream Computing and ML: Real-time Insights for Agile Decision-Making

The ability to process data in real time is paramount in today’s dynamic retail landscape. Retail Insights leverages stream computing technologies to analyze data as it flows, enabling real-time insights and faster decision-making. By incorporating machine learning algorithms, Retail Insights helps retailers identify patterns, predict customer behavior, optimize pricing, and personalize marketing efforts. These advanced capabilities empower retailers to stay agile and respond swiftly to market demands, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving revenue growth.

Scalability and Reduced Latencies: Meeting Growing Business Needs

As retailers expand their operations and handle ever-increasing volumes of data, scalability becomes critical. Retail Insights understands the importance of scalable data services and offers solutions that seamlessly grow alongside their clients’ businesses. By leveraging cloud-based architectures and distributed processing frameworks, Retail Insights ensures that data services can handle the growing demands of retailers while maintaining reduced latencies. This enables businesses to scale their operations without compromising on performance or customer experience.

Data Governance and Accuracy: Trustworthy Insights for Informed Decisions

Maintaining data accuracy and ensuring regulatory compliance is paramount in today’s data-driven world. Retail Insights recognizes the significance of data governance and implements robust frameworks to ensure data quality, privacy, and security. By establishing data governance practices, including data cataloging, metadata management, and data lineage tracking, Retail Insights ensures that retailers can trust the insights generated from their data. This instills confidence in decision-making processes and enables retailers to meet regulatory requirements effectively.

Case Study: Retail Insights Empowers ABC Retailers

To illustrate the transformative impact of Retail Insights’ data services, let’s consider a fictitious case study involving ABC Retailers. As a well-established fashion brand, ABC Retailers aimed to enhance their online presence and improve customer experiences. By partnering with Retail Insights, ABC Retailers underwent a comprehensive data services transformation.

Retail Insights implemented a robust data ingestion strategy, allowing ABC Retailers to capture and analyze data from multiple touchpoints, including their online store, social media platforms, and loyalty programs. Through efficient ETL processes and data warehousing, Retail Insights transformed raw data into actionable insights, enabling ABC Retailers to personalize marketing campaigns and optimize inventory management.

Leveraging stream computing and machine learning, Retail Insights provided ABC Retailers with real-time insights on customer preferences, enabling personalized recommendations and dynamic pricing. The scalability of Retail Insights’ data services ensured that ABC Retailers could seamlessly handle peak shopping periods without compromising on performance or customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, Retail Insights implemented stringent data governance practices, ensuring that ABC Retailers could trust the accuracy and security of their data. This enabled ABC Retailers to make informed decisions, comply with privacy regulations, and build customer trust.


In today’s data-driven retail landscape, advanced data services are indispensable for driving business growth and enhancing customer experiences. Retail Insights, as a trusted partner, offers a comprehensive suite of data services, including data ingestion, ETL, warehouse management, stream computing, ML, scalability, reduced latencies, data governance, and accuracy. By leveraging these advanced data services, Retail Insights empowers retailers to unlock the true potential of their data, make data-driven decisions, and stay ahead in the competitive market. Partner with Retail Insights today to accelerate your retail success through advanced data services.

Retail Insights: The Best Choice for Perfect Product Syndication and Digital Asset Management

product information management

Retail Insights: The Best Choice for Product Information Management – Perfect for Product Syndication and Digital Asset Management

In today’s competitive retail landscape, managing product information efficiently is crucial for businesses to succeed. The right Product Information Management (PIM) solution can streamline processes, improve data accuracy, and enhance customer experiences. Among the various PIM options available, Retail Insights stands out as the ideal choice for perfect product syndication and digital asset management. This article will explore the key reasons why Retail Insights surpasses other PIM software options in these areas.

Comprehensive Product Syndication

Effective product syndication ensures that accurate and up-to-date product information is distributed across multiple sales channels seamlessly. Retail Insights excels in this regard with its robust features designed to simplify and streamline the syndication process. Key advantages include:

a) Channel Integration: Retail Insights offers seamless integration with numerous sales channels, including e-commerce platforms, marketplaces, and social media channels. This enables retailers to effortlessly syndicate product information to various platforms and reach a wider audience.

b) Customization and Localization: With Retail Insights, businesses can easily tailor product information for different channels and locales. This level of customization ensures that the right data is presented in a format suitable for each platform, optimizing customer experiences.

c) Real-time Updates: Retail Insights enables real-time synchronization of product information across channels. Any changes or updates made to product data are immediately reflected across all platforms, eliminating inconsistencies and reducing the risk of errors.

Efficient Digital Asset Management

In addition to managing product information, effective digital asset management is vital for delivering rich and engaging content to customers. Retail Insights offers a range of features that enhance digital asset management capabilities:

a) Centralized Asset Repository: Retail Insights provides a centralized location to store and manage digital assets, including images, videos, and documents. This eliminates the need for multiple platforms or manual file management, saving time and improving productivity.

b) Metadata Management: With Retail Insights, businesses can easily attach metadata to digital assets, making it simple to categorize and search for specific assets. This ensures faster retrieval of assets and better organization for efficient asset management.

c) Version Control: Retail Insights offers version control capabilities, allowing businesses to track and manage different versions of digital assets. This ensures that the latest and most accurate assets are always available for syndication and avoids confusion caused by outdated content.


When it comes to selecting a PIM solution for perfect product syndication and digital asset management, Retail Insights outshines its competitors. Its comprehensive features for product syndication, efficient digital asset management, user-friendly interface, and advanced analytics make it the ideal choice for retailers aiming to optimize their operations and enhance customer experiences. We are the best provider of product information management, product syndication & digital asset management. Connect with us today.

Thank you for considering Retail Insights as your next omnichannel technology growth specialist. “Your Next Agency is Not Agency Must Be Omnichannel Technology Partner”

TRI OMS – Perfect Middleware

Order Management System: The Heart of Omnichannel Retailing

In the previous post, we discussed why the order management system (OMS) is the heart of omnichannel retailing and why Retail Insights is the right implementation partner for OMS. In this post, we will dive into the features and benefits of Retail Insights’ OMS

Features of Retail Insights Order Management System

With Retail Insights’ OMS, retailers can manage their inventory across all channels from a single platform, ensuring that they never run out of stock or overstock. This unified inventory management capability provides retailers with real-time visibility and control over their stock levels.

Order Routing and Orchestration

Retail Insights’ OMS allows retailers to route orders to the most appropriate location for fulfillment based on factors such as stock availability, location, and shipping time. By intelligently orchestrating the order routing process, retailers can ensure that orders are fulfilled efficiently and cost-effectively.

Custom Workflows and Integrations

Retail Insights’ OMS can be customized to meet the specific needs of retailers. It offers the flexibility to create custom workflows and integrations with other retail systems such as point-of-sale and e-commerce platforms. This level of customization empowers retailers to tailor the system according to their unique business processes.

Real-time Order Tracking in Order Management System

Retail Insights’ OMS provides real-time tracking of orders across all channels, enabling retailers to keep customers informed of their order status. The ability to track orders in real-time help improve transparency reduces customer inquiries, and allows for proactive problem-solving.

Returns Management

Retail Insights’ OMS provides a centralized system for returns management across all channels. This centralized approach makes it easy for retailers to process returns and exchanges quickly and efficiently. By streamlining the returns process, retailers can enhance customer satisfaction and build trust.

Benefits of Retail Insights OMS

Retail Insights’ OMS streamlines the order management process, reducing manual intervention and improving operational efficiency. By automating various tasks and providing a centralized platform, the OMS eliminates bottlenecks and enhances productivity.

Improved Customer Experience with Order Management System

With Retail Insights’ OMS, retailers can provide customers with a seamless shopping experience across all channels. By ensuring accurate inventory information, efficient order fulfillment, and timely communication, retailers can enhance customer satisfaction and foster loyalty.

Data-driven Decision Making

Retail Insights’ OMS provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing retailers to gain insights into their business. By leveraging data-driven insights, retailers can make informed decisions related to inventory management, demand forecasting, and customer preferences.

Cost Savings

Retail Insights’ OMS enables retailers to use their inventory more efficiently, reducing stockouts and overstocking. By optimizing inventory levels and minimizing shipping costs, retailers can achieve significant cost savings and improve their bottom line.


Retail Insights’ OMS is highly scalable and can support retailers of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. Whether a retailer is experiencing rapid growth or expanding into new markets, the OMS can seamlessly scale to meet the evolving needs of the business.

In conclusion, Retail Insights’ OMS is a feature-rich and scalable solution that can help retailers manage their orders efficiently across all sales channels. Connect with us today as we are the best Order Management System provider in UK, USA, Dubai & India.

How do we do platform and technology selections for Frictionless Commerce?

Frictionless Commerce

Unlocking Frictionless Commerce: A Guide to Selecting the Right Platforms and Technologies

In today’s digital age, businesses need to adopt a frictionless commerce strategy to remain competitive in the market. Frictionless commerce, also known as seamless commerce, is the key to providing customers with a seamless and effortless shopping experience. At “Retail Insights,” we specialize in helping businesses select the right platforms and technologies that enable frictionless commerce. Here’s how we go about it.

Frictionless Commerce

Understanding the Business Requirements

When it comes to selecting the right platforms and technologies for frictionless commerce, understanding the business requirements is paramount. We work closely with our clients to gain insights into their business objectives, target audience, and current pain points. This in-depth understanding allows us to identify the features and functionalities that the platform or technology must possess to meet their unique business requirements

Identifying the Available Options

Once we have a clear understanding of the business requirements, we conduct extensive research to identify the available options. Our evaluation process takes into account various factors such as cost, scalability, customization options, integrations, and security. We also ensure that the chosen platform or technology seamlessly integrates with the client’s existing technology stack.

Analyzing the Pros and Cons

After identifying the available options, we analyze the pros and cons of each platform or technology. Our evaluation is based on a comprehensive assessment of their features, functionalities, ease of use, customer support, and other factors that directly impact the customer experience. We also consider performance metrics, including page load speed, uptime, and scalability, to ensure optimal performance

Making a Recommendation

Based on our thorough analysis, we provide our clients with a well-informed recommendation on the best platform or technology that aligns with their business requirements. Our recommendation is presented in a detailed report, which outlines the reasons behind our choice and how it contributes to achieving the client’s business objectives. Additionally, we offer guidance on the implementation and integration of the selected platform or technology into their existing technology stack.

Ongoing Evaluation

At “Retail Insights,” our commitment doesn’t end with the recommendation. We understand that the needs of businesses evolve over time, and so do the technologies. Therefore, we continuously evaluate the performance of the selected platform or technology to ensure that it remains aligned with our client’s evolving needs. By working closely with our clients, gathering feedback, and making necessary adjustments, we ensure a consistently improved customer experience.

In conclusion, selecting the right platforms and technologies is critical for businesses aiming to deliver a seamless and frictionless customer experience. At “Retail Insights,” we specialize in helping businesses select the ideal platforms and technologies that enable frictionless commerce. Our comprehensive process involves understanding the business requirements, identifying the available options, analyzing the pros and cons, making a recommendation, and providing ongoing evaluation. By leveraging our expertise, businesses can confidently select the platforms and technologies that empower them to achieve frictionless commerce.

Why Java Spring Boot Microservices Architecture is Important for E-commerce | Retail Insights

Java Spring Boot Microservices

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses are striving to be more agile, responsive, and scalable. One of the approaches gaining popularity is a microservices architecture. Microservices architecture is a way of designing software applications as a collection of small, independent services that communicate through APIs. Retail Insights, a supporter of the MACH alliance, firmly believes in microservices architecture as the future of software development, especially for omnichannel commerce businesses. That’s why they have invested heavily in developing a robust base on Java Spring Boot microservices.

What are Java Spring Boot Microservices?

Java Spring Boot is a popular framework for building microservices in Java. It offers a lightweight and flexible approach to building highly scalable, performant, and secure applications. The team at Retail Insights has already implemented an end-to-end e-commerce platform with microservices architecture, featuring omnichannel features like Pay as You Go, Single Page Checkout, Subscription, Store Pickup, Reserve In-Store, GA4, Sync Services with OMS for Inventory, Price, and Recommendation along with Elastic Search and multi-channel catalog management.

Java Spring Boot Microservices

Java Spring Boot Microservices is highly scalable and can be easily scaled up or down based on demand. The framework provides built-in support for clustering, load balancing, and distributed caching, making it ideal for microservices architecture. Additionally, the framework provides a lot of performance-tuning options that allow developers to fine-tune their applications to get the best performance.

Security is a crucial aspect of any e-commerce application. Java Spring Boot provides built-in support for secure coding practices and implements security best practices by default. The framework also supports authentication, authorization, and encryption, ensuring that the application is secure.

Retail Insights’ microservices architecture and Java Spring Boot implementation have resulted in a successful end-to-end commerce solution. The solution includes multi-channel catalog management, allowing clients to manage their catalogs across different channels like web, mobile, and social media.

In conclusion, microservices architecture is the future of software development, particularly for e-commerce businesses. Java Spring Boot is an excellent choice for building microservices due to its performance, scalability, and security features. Retail Insights’ investment in Java Spring Boot microservices architecture underscores their commitment to providing clients with the best solutions using the latest technologies.

What is MACH architecture

MACH architecture is a set of technology principles behind new, best-of-breed technology platforms. 

MACH stands for Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless. 

Microservices-based: In other words, individual pieces of business functionality that are independently developed, deployed, and managed. Microservices are made for specific business capabilities and are designed to perform a single function.

API-first: All functionality is exposed through an API, making it possible to tie together two or more applications or services. 

Cloud-native: The software development and delivery are entirely cloud-based, built for high performance, and automatic scalability. Services like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, allow access to on-demand resources to run your application.

Headless: focuses only on the back-end functionality, allowing users to build their own custom front-end user experiences. This allows complete design freedom and functionality in designing the user interface and for connecting to other channels and devices (existing applications, IoT, A/R, Vending Machines, etc.).

Micro services solutions

Microservices-based is about delivering reliable and flexible IT infrastructure in a highly automated fashion. API-first means designing with APIs from the start. Finally, Cloud-native and headless (which is often lumped together with microservices) are about modern, scalable application architectures that can dynamically adapt to ever-changing demands on computing power.

Each principle at the heart of MACH architecture has multiple benefits to an enterprise, but they all work together in concert to enable innovation and efficiency.

MACH architecture gives businesses the freedom to choose from the best tools on the market, and maintain a structure that makes it easy to add, replace, or remove those tools in the future.
Read More: What does composable commerce mean?

What are the benefits of MACH architecture?

MACH architecture allows businesses to leverage and customize the best cloud-native technology assets in the market, and keep pace with best practices as they evolve. At the same time, MACH architecture decreases operational overhead and enhances developer efficiency, saving money and time.

In addition to avoiding another instance of being handcuffed by outdated technology and the inability to innovate and evolve, here  are the 4 benefits of Mach Architecture:

  • Improved speed with less risk 
  • Execute a best-of-breed strategy
  • Say goodbye to upgrades
  • Seamless customizations and innovation

How do I implement MACH architecture?

MACH architecture is a set of principles, not a specific technology solution. However, the open-source Evernote Hello World code base is an example of a microservices-based mobile application built using MACH architecture principles. 

Other MACH architecture code examples are available through the MACH architecture directory.

MACH architecture is not just for mobile and web applications. It is also well suited for hardware, IoT, A/R, Healthcare, and other domains since APIs can be used to extend functionality.

MACH Architecture benefits are achieved at all levels of an organization. 

Order management system

How does MACH Architecture Works? 

MACH architecture works by taking a massive block of components and breaking them down into smaller, interconnected pieces that are able to work more effectively in isolation. It begins with the numerous pieces needed to create a feature-rich interface for online shoppers.

With a traditional e-commerce platform, all the features of the storefront function under a single instance with a single database. Microservices, these services are self-contained and have their own database. This means there could be a different app for customer support, product management, and shopping cart. The microservices have their own load balancer and execution environment to perform their functionalities while simultaneously capturing data in their own databases.

Microservices use service discovery to find the proper route of communication between each component. They then communicate with each other using an API. Once the microservices have communicated with each other, they deploy static content to a cloud-based service that will deliver the content to clients via content delivery networks (CDNs).

Microservices help to improve the scalability of e-commerce solutions. As the entire system becomes modular, each microservice can be individually scaled through on-demand auto-scaling.

MACH has been adopted by organizations in various industries including automotive, retail, health care, financial services, and government agencies.

According to Gartner, it is being adopted more than previously expected, and it will become the dominant architecture within two years. The biggest adoption of MACH has been in the cloud-native space as a way to quickly adapt to changes in technology and business needs.

MACH adoption is a growing focus for tech leaders.

Announced earlier this month, the “Enterprise MACHified” 2022 study – conducted by Mel Research –  polled IT leaders on their current adoption, readiness, and future plans for the use of MACH architecture and technologies. The study provides a snapshot of the current state of MACH adoption across several key geographies, revealing that many tech leaders have continued to progress towards MACH architectures over the past year – with a 19% increase in companies that have moved away from monolithic to best-of-breed, composable solutions.

Retail Insights plays a vital role in achieving your desired results using this technology. For more information contact us. We provide the best MACH architect in UK.

What does composable commerce mean?

Composable commerce is a term, coined by Gartner in a June 2020 report, referring to a modular digital commerce approach referred to as composable architecture. This kind of modular approach enables the selection of best-in-breed solutions for each unique business needs to assemble a customized tech stack.

Composable commerce is the modern way of building complex enterprise commerce systems.

While monolith relied on a single vendor to provide a standard solution, a Composable commerce system is composed of independent software components, each providing a particular business capability.


  1. Services can only communicate via APIs
  2. The technology used to build services is irrelevant as long as APIs are exposed
  3.  Services are deployed separately and can be scaled independently
  4.  Services do not share a common datastore
  5. Storefront is separate from any other module, services are headless
Composable Commerce Retail Insights
Composable Commerce

Let’s look at the four key tenets of composable commerce:

  1. Modular – Each component of the system — smarter cart technology, customer relationship management (CRM) system, etc. — can be deployed and interchanged independently.
  2. Open – Applications can be seamlessly integrated, and Freedom of choice between technology stacks  
  3. Flexible- With a unique stack, the ability to use modern frontends and support other channels (PWA)
  4. Business-centric- Customizable system enables rapid response to changing business requirements, increasing potential innovation. Outstanding time-to-market due to ready-to-use components

Evolution of Composable Commerce

The front-end interface that customers interact with is tied to the back-end which controls everything behind the scenes. Composable commerce is the latest in a series of steps away from the traditional, all-in-one software monolith. These platforms can be rich in features and functionality, but they are not nimble, and they tend to slow business innovation rather than enable it.

  • 1. The problem with monoliths.
  • 2. Headless commerce.
  • 3. MACH architecture.
  • 4. Composable commerce.

Advantages of Adopting Composable Commerce

Modern Commerce, from Monolith to Composable Commerce

“Physicalizing” Digital Experiences is the need, The simple fact is: that people enjoy shopping. There’s the social aspect of going to a shopping center with family or friends, grabbing a coffee or a bite to eat, and getting the opinion of who they’re with if they should buy an item that’s caught their eye. Live Streaming, Group Buying, Subscriptions, and more use cases emerge along with BOPIS for merging the Online and Brick and Motor journey to true OMNICHANNEL.

Digital transformation and transitioning their technology foundation from a traditional, monolithic, legacy platform to a modern, API-driven, cloud-native system, were the ones to come out on top

Decathlon and Chalhoub is a perfect example. The company began its journey in 2017 and had become one of the first brands to offer BOPIS (buy online, pickup in-store). When COVID-19 hit, the retailer was met with an onslaught of orders for home Gym equipment, virtual Yoga Classes, Gym Instructors, and Sports coaches.

Not only was their open, scalable system easily able to handle the increased volume, but it also allowed them to deploy a contactless curbside pickup ordering solution within weeks.4 While other retailers were shutting down across the country, Decathalon was serving the new needs.

Few other players made a smart decision to immediately transition to a Composable Commerce platform – and quickly discovered the risk was worth the reward. Case in point: Apollo Pharmacy and Chalhoub Group

The future of commerce technology is real cloud- and microservice-based, API-centric, headless solutions – the ones that follow MACH principles

Why microservices, APIs, cloud, and headless (MACH) are disrupting OMNICHANNEL Technology Needs?

MICROSERVICES BUILD EASY (M) – A microservices-based commerce platform gives

the flexibility to pick and choose where to focus development and business priorities. And, because each microservice is deployed independently, developing, testing, and maintaining it is much, much easier.

API-FIRST MATTERS (A) – An API-first approach makes a difference in commerce in so many ways. First, using APIs lets you easily call on the data you need. Even better, APIs make it simple to bridge different systems together—a CRM and CMS, API-first approach make it easy to integrate connected cars, smart home applications, and chatbots. The platform that supports GraphQL and REST

CLOUD-NATIVE FOR PACE AND AGILITY (C) By choosing a cloud-native commerce platform, not only are applications hosted in the cloud, they’re also developed in the cloud. Every step— from development to testing to microservices deployment

HEADLESS: A SINGLE SOURCE OF TRUTH (H) – A headless platform decouples the front end of the commerce infrastructure from the back end, development, and business teams to work independently without impacting each other.

Disadvantages of Adopting Composable Commerce

There are clearly a number of advantages to a composable commerce approach, which explains why many enterprise-scale businesses are moving in that direction. However, there are some potential roadblocks and challenges you’ll need to consider, particularly if you’re eyeing a full microservices approach versus a headless eCommerce platform.

  • Manage multiple vendors.
  • Require high digital maturity levels.
  • Change infrastructure and monitoring tool needs.
  • DIY control panel.

Implementing a Composable Commerce Solution

You may be wary of the effort that goes into the re-platforming process, but there’s good news on that front. Fortunately, switching from a monolith to a microservices or headless platform may be done incrementally by slowly reducing reliance on the core monolith. 

With an incremental approach, you can first decide which capabilities to decouple and when to slowly separate your entire monolith into a system of microservices. You can start transitioning to your new platform while you’re still building out the rest of the parts.

Wrapping Up

Consumers are experiencing products and interacting with brands in more ways than ever before. Social media channels have become sales channels, marketing channels, and customer service channels. We buy on marketplaces, at pop-up events, on our mobile devices, and sometimes even through smart speakers or game systems. Commerce is omnichannel.

 “There are five generations who are buying things online, and never before have merchants or brands been tasked with marketing and selling to five different generations who have incredibly different expectations. 

Delivering personalized commerce experiences at scale requires flexibility. 

There are plenty of good reasons to choose an approach with some degree of composability, but there are drawbacks to that approach as well. Before jumping into any technology decisions, make sure you have a 360-degree view of your business needs, internal and external development capabilities, and the way any technology might impact your business or processes.

Retail Insights: THE WORLD’S MOST FOCUSSED OMNICHANNEL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, was the early starter in headless commerce platform development. As the pioneer in its field, designed to support both current and future methods for conducting OMNICHANNEL in mind. 

That makes RETAIL INSIGHTS the choice of forward-thinking businesses that want a high-performing, easily maintainable solution that is continuously at its prime.  We are the best composable commerce company.

RETAIL INSIGHTS expert team helps you to develop commerce that is cloud-native and, of course, incredibly scalable, giving you more flexibility than any other platform. It’s that simple.

Leverage Omnichannel to provide Shoppers with Incredible and Frictionless Experiences

Maximize Customer Satisfaction with Omnichannel Shopping

Discover how India’s first and largest branded pharmacy network, with over 4500 outlets in key locations achieved its business needs by working with Retail Insights to accelerate its business. Maximize Customer Satisfaction with Omnichannel Shopping.

Maximize Customer Satisfaction with Omnichannel Shopping

Retail Insights helps India’s largest drugs solve warehouse, delivery, and support issues.

Upgrading its digital assets to meet these challenges. The company has 3000 stores that distribute pharmaceuticals, electronics, cosmetics, and CPG items.

Warehouse bottlenecks that were adversely affecting its ability to accommodate the increasing number of customers requesting home delivery. The company devised a solution and turned to Retail Insights Commerce as an implementation partner.

Rather than opting for full-scale deployment of strategic and analytic services, adopted suggestions for technical full-stack team extension and an incremental approach to problem resolution.

Retail Insights provided highly targeted support—including a business analyst with a full-stack development team—to address each issue. Maximize Customer Satisfaction with Omnichannel Shopping. We provide the best omnichannel commerce technologies in Dubai.

The client is India’s largest pharmacy chain and is the most credible and established online pharmacy in India. It delivers 100% original medicines and products. It is believed to offer super-fast home delivery for all healthcare essentials. Rapid deliveries of medicines are available online, and in some cities, deliveries are done in less than 24 hours.

They have achieved credibility in the healthcare industry with the world’s best medical specialists.

They have more than 5000 products in various categories like Vitamins and Supplements, Baby Care, Personal Care, Health & Nutrition Foods, and OTC. In addition to this, they have more than 400 Brand Products in the following categories like vitamins and supplements, health food, oral care, skincare, personal care, baby care, OTC, etc.

Are you ready to make it BIG in the retail industry?

Are you curious to know how this brand ensured a 99.99%+ fulfillment rate?

Connect with us today:

Call: +91 9945872535

What is a Customer Data Platform and why it is important?

Top data analytics companies in India
Top data analytics companies in India
What is a Customer Data Platform?

The customer data platform, or CDP for short, is turning out to be progressively significant in organizations & we are the best customer data platform company in India.

We should make the right decision while making the shift from legacy systems to modern databases.

And what to consider during this time is the Customer Data Platform (CDP).

Today, the marketer’s reality is very perplexing, and client assumptions are high. Dedication goes to organizations that can react to “client critical points in time” with unique, personalized communications in real-time that transcend traditional marketing, spanning channels and devices. Fighting this scattered information and following up on it rapidly is turning out to be a lot harder.

The rapid acceleration of digital and e-commerce growth is intensifying the existing data problem. It is also propelling companies to adapt their customer engagement mechanisms to a new hybrid physical/digital environment. In a study on the future of the customer experience, Futurum Research found that 66% of companies are accelerating online tracking for behavior and habits. And 73% agree that the new engagement models will require real-time data collection and analysis. It’s no wonder that CDPs are garnering so much attention.

Customer Data Platform capabilities and growing importance
in day-to-day business

Top data analytics companies in India

This is precisely why Customer Data Platforms will become increasingly important to emerging, digitally savvy companies. Not only to get a 360-degree view of the customer
but also to interact with customers through the channels of their choice. Each
customer data platform will look different for every company because every
organization has a different focus, communicates via different channels, or has
different customer structures. Therefore, CDPs must guarantee a high degree of

But one thing is certain: CDPs make it possible to piece together customers’
intentions based on the vast amount of information available from a wide variety
of sources. To trade the unprecedented amount of this information, companies
need more power than ever before. Right now, a CDP offers the most
comprehensive capabilities to sift through all this data, find relevant
customer journeys, and act accordingly.

Five key functions of a CDP:

  • Collection of data: Individual-level customer data from multiple sources via packaged API connections and SDKs, and store that data in a usable format.
  • Data governance: The ability to granularly enforce from which events get passed onto each system, and process the data subject.
  • Quality protection of data and profile unification: However, it has the ability to monitor data accuracy, consistency, and structure, and to unify events and attributes to persistent profiles at the individual level as data is collected
  • Segmentation: An interface that enables business users to build and manage audience segments
  • Activation: The ability to send audience segments and forward events to external tools and systems through pre-built integrations, as well as to orchestrate contextual marketing experiences across channels.

Importance of CDP Retail Insights

RETAIL INSIGHTS is an AWARD-WINNING GLOBAL Retail and Digital Commerce agency as we work with 10 out of the top 20 Brands. We leverage our deep Salesforce Commerce, Adobe Magento Commerce and Shopify functional expertise to deliver a complete omnichannel experience. Explore our Retail Omnification Solutions and Services

Need help implementing Customer Data Platform in your business? Contact us.

Our eCommerce experts are at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge eCommerce solutions to businesses of all sizes. To learn more about our services, email us at We will provide you with the best customer data platform company in India.

or visit our website

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How omnichannel retailing is changing the retail industry?

omnichannel retailing
What is omnichannel retailing?

The retail industry has changed dramatically in the past few decades. With the rise of the internet, customers are less inclined to drive down to their nearest mall or shop. Instead, they are choosing to buy online or find items they need by searching for them on their smartphone. Omnichannel retailing is becoming more and more popular with retail stores because it enables them to reach customers on all of their devices, no matter the customer’s location. We are the best omnichannel retailers UK.

Best omnichannel retailers UK

Omnichannel retailing is an essential part of this trend. It means that retailers should offer a seamless shopping experience to all customers – whether they are online, at a store, or in between both channels – and make it easy for them to switch channels or interact with any channel at any time. The results are staggering: companies have seen a significant increase in-store traffic, conversion rates have increased by up to 40%, and stockouts have been reduced by 50%.

How does omnichannel retailing benefit customers?

Omnichannel retailing is a new form of commerce. It is the convergence of in-store and online shopping channels, which allows consumers to shop from wherever they are. Omnichannel marketing benefits customers because it makes the shopping experience more convenient for them. Without going through the hassle of going to a physical store, they can just shop online.

customer experience
customer experience

Why is omnichannel important for customer experience?

Omnichannel retailing is a method of marketing that focuses on the customer’s journey. To be successful requires a company’s ability to connect with consumers no matter how they engage- in-store, online, or through mobile devices.

The key to successful omnichannel retailing is one that is data-driven and strategic in nature which helps brands understand the customer better and how they want to engage with them. Omnichannel retailers must also invest in making their customers feel valued, regardless of channel or device.

What is an omnichannel strategy?

Omnichannel retailing is a strategy that retailers use to provide an integrated service across all channels. This may include in-store, online, mobile apps, and social media channels.

The focus is on the customer experience. It involves making shopping easy for customers through the use of information technology and modern technology. The idea is to make it easier for customers to buy products from any channel they want without having to visit every channel separately.

omnichannel retail strategy
omnichannel retail strategy

How does Omnichannel retail work?

Omnichannel retailing is a term that is used to describe a retail system where both online and physical stores are combined. It is an effective way of capturing customers that are interested in the products but cannot physically visit the store for some reason.

This may include using social media platforms to advertise products, while also providing consumers with the option to buy the products online. The customer can order them on-demand or on-site at any time of day, which provides them with more flexibility when on the go.

Best omnichannel retailers UK
omnichannel retail – e-commerce strategy

Best examples of omnichannel retail?

So, here are a few examples

Amazon: Amazon, one of the pioneers of omnichannel retailing, has seamlessly integrated online and offline shopping. It provides its customers with customer service through chatbots and store employees.

Zara: Zara, another pioneer in this space, changed the way people shop by opening up its stores 24 hours a time and allowing shoppers to reserve items online.

Brewster’s: Brewster’s department stores have created an omnichannel experience by using touch screens to guide shoppers through various options in clothing, shoes, and accessories.

Writer analysts at McKinsey said:

An omnichannel transformation is the only way for a company to address rising complexity, provide an excellent customer experience, and manage operations costs

The Future of Omnichannel retailing in India

Today, India’s hyper-connected consumers are quickly going into a period where they anticipate that brand owners should offer steady and unmatched support across all touchpoints. They are not just searching for the right item that suits their requirements but on the other hand are looking for a smooth journey in finding the product independent of different stages that they use, getting it from, and getting it conveyed at their doorstep.

However, to better integrate in-store and online shopping experiences, brand proprietors and retailers experience numerous difficulties in effectively executing the omnichannel strategy.

Omnichannel retailing in UK

UK buyers proceed to research and shop on numerous channels, further obscuring the lines between the web and in-store shopping as omnichannel stays a famous and developing shopping pattern. 

As indicated by JRNI’s Third Annual Modern Consumer Research Report, there is a worldwide consistency across virtually all item classifications – hardware, clothing, gifts, family, excellence, and wellbeing.

By and large, 74% of buyers’ web room – investigating the internet, buying available – dominatingly for gadgets, attire, and family things. It likewise tracks down that there is an ascent in showrooming with, 57% of buyers effectively investigating coming up, buying on the web – principally for apparel, presents, and gadgets.

Future of Omnichannel Retail

Best omnichannel retailers UK
omnichannel retailing future

Omnichannel retail refers to the mix of retail channels like stores, on the web, and mobile into a single, seamless customer experience. The rise of new internet-based channels significantly affects the retail business over the previous decade, and it is relied upon that the need to incorporate various channels will change the retail business throughout the following decade.

9 out of 10 consumers need a consistent shopping experience, regardless of whether they are purchasing on the web mobile app, on social media, by telephone, or in a brick-and-mortar store. They want personalized experiences, and brands currently have the devices to give them. 

Omnichannel retail brands are oriented toward the omnichannel customer, with client conduct driving each next move the brand makes. each customer interaction changes the subsequent stage the client will experience. The brand is attempting to direct the client toward a particular result. The brand and customers are now walking in lockstep. 

Brands that win in this new customer-centric landscape will adopt an omnichannel approach to provide that seamless experience their customers want. As a result, those brands will show much higher levels of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

To Conclude…

No matter what type of business you’re in, your customers expect a seamless omnichannel shopping experience. With multiple devices and shopping channels, it’s easier than ever to shop and research products and pricing. If your business is struggling with omnichannel, we hope that this blog helps you improve your omnichannel strategy and customer service. Reach us today for the best omnichannel retailers UK.

As an omnichannel merchant, you must have a way to effectively accept and process orders from your customers, no matter how they choose to shop. Find out how a multi-channel retail platform can help you control your inventory, manage your channels, and increase conversions.

Retail Insights is an Award-Winning Global Omnichannel Advisor Technology (Software) Company for Experience Commerce with Edge Computing, based in the USA, and India with representation in the Middle East and the UK. We are the best omnichannel retailers UK

Certified Solution Partners – Adobe Commerce Cloud (Magento), Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC), Intel, GCP, and others.

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