Retail Insights Digital Channel Management Solution
Retail Insights Digital Channel Management Solution

1. 30-60-90 day objectives with X sales commitment
2. Identify features that part of the development roadmap with cutover plans
3. Integration with Enterprise Application for automation of merchandise activities
4. Infra Management /Application Support for Business Continuity
5. Event planning for timely skin changes and give fresh look for the customer experience.
6. SEO/SEM activity running parallel to the existing development road map.
Digital Transformation In An Omni-Channel World
Retail’s digital transformation is migrating to the technologies that will enable continued and improved relevance to the connected consumer. Digital transformation is a strategy to be defined and should be omnichannel focused. || skype – retailinsights ||
Digital Catalogue on Magento
Retail Insights implemented a digital catalog for wholesalers/buyers to place web orders, to the large brand house. The solution is again based on Magento J. Speak to us for more info….

How to transform the traditional retailer to digital retailer?
Retail Insights to help define the process with the workshop model. Publish the executable plan in phases. This will help retailers to “Transform while performing”.

Traditional retailer to digital retailer
- Merchandise, Pricing, and Promotion – Define the assortment and price strategies across all retail channels
- Digital Content – Design the online user experience by illustrating best practice
- In-Store Experience – Seamless customer experience across all retail channels and define ways of integration in different phases
- Technology – E-commerce technologies, identify gaps in the as-is applications and recommend potential software needs with prioritization to support the digital strategy
- Data Insights – Review performance with data mining bringing store and online data. Identify opportunities to improve performance and recommend future actions with data insights
- Business Operations – Retail and omnichannel operations to be analyzed. Implement relevant changes to the store E.g. Store Training, Availability, Order fulfillment, Return Processing, Next Day, Customer queries, and Product Information
Speak to us – || skype – retailinsights ||
How do you bring Online Customers to the Store?? Implemented best-in-class omnichannel solutions by integrating store systems. || skype:retailinsights
Omni channel solutions
How do you bring Online Customers to the Store?? Implemented best-in-class omni-channel solutions by integrating store systems. || skype:retailinsights
How do we implement Buy Anywhere and Return Anywhere in a large electronics stores? || skype – retailinsights
Store digital transformation
How do we implement Buy Anywhere and Return Anywhere in large electronics stores? || skype – retailinsights
How do we implement Dynamic Pricing and Discount Engine for Large White Goods Retailer on Commerce Platform? || skype – retailinsights
Dynamic Pricing and Discount Engine
How do we implement Dynamic Pricing and Discount Engines for Large White Goods Retailers on the Commerce Platform? || skype – retailinsights
Choose the right partner to Go Online (Retail Insights plus Magento)…first step towards multi-channel (
Omnichannel partner in India
Go digital or Die: Retailers finally embracing online shopping
We know that 87% of retailers are heading online on a weekly basis for work-related tasks. But what exactly are they doing, and how does the web help them run their business?
Here’s a breakdown of the numbers:
69% go online to order from their distributor or wholesaler. We hear time and time again that retailers love online ordering because it streamlines a time-consuming process, and it helps with inventory management.
67% go online to do their banking. Online banking saves time and allows retailers to choose when and where they do their banking. For busy retailers, this can be a great time-management tool.
60% go online to research new products and information. There’s a lot of information on the web, and retailers are taking their education into their own hands by heading online.
46% go online to communicate with their sales rep. Retailers and sales reps are busy, but steady communication is more important than ever. Email is a great way to stay in touch with your rep to ensure you’re not missing out on tips, deals and offers.
25% go online to engage in social media. Connecting with customers outside of the store is important, and many retailers are beginning to see the benefit to this type of social engagement.
21% go online for remote access to their store via laptop or smartphone. Technology affords many retailers the opportunity to check in on their stores when they’re not there. This is a great tool for single- or multi-site owners who can’t be in their store all the time.
16% go online to read and participate in industry forums and blogs. Other retailers represent one of the biggest learning opportunities, and going online to connect in a blog or forum is a smart way to build a community of like-minded individuals.
Why Retail Insights is a right partner??????
* Value and Outcome based models
* Increase your IT responsiveness and agility
* Reduced CapEx and OpEx
* No dependency on in-house IT/Marketing team
* Assured Security – Customer Privacy and Transaction Details
* Increase “Access from Anywhere – Anytime”
* ROI in less than year
* No Operational Dependencies
* Focus on core business – Identifying Supplier and New Product Launches