Future of Commerce (Headless) begins with Retail Insights and why now?

Headless commerce platforms

Headless commerce is a separation of the front end and back end of an e-commerce application. This architecture offers brands freedom of expression to build whatever and however, they want. Most importantly, it enables brands to enrich the customer experience.

One hallmark of headless is the use of APIs, experienced managers, and tools such as Salesforce Commerece Cloud and Adobe Commerce Cloud as well as the importance of IT partners. These resources are a critical part of every company’s innovation strategy, delivering new functionality and experiences that engage customers and stay ahead of their expectations.

If you’re in e-commerce, you know that keeping pace with emerging touchpoints and experiences isn’t easy.

COVID-19 is only accelerating this. In a traditional e-commerce model, new experiences can require updates to both the front- and the back-end system, which can turn even small projects into huge headaches.

Headless commerce platforms

What are the benefits of headless commerce platforms?

  1. Better employee adoption. Some organizations can be reluctant to use new technologies due to steep learning curves. Having a modern commerce platform alongside the simplicity of headless commerce solves this problem since everyone on your team can easily access and update the front end without advanced skills.
  2. The right tools for the job. Headless commerce gives brands the tools to build custom experiences that shoppers can’t get anywhere else. Critical to this are APIs to ensure coordinated, brand-consistent experiences across channels, driven by common commerce services such as promotions, inventory, product information, and more.
  3. Time savings across IT. Since changes to the front end can be made agiley, developers save time on user interface changes. Additionally, with headless templates and partner solutions, developers only need a few clicks or some light coding to jumpstart commerce apps that increase conversion.
  4. Time to market. With headless commerce, businesses can launch new front-end experiences quickly. Reacting to a new market trend can be done rapidly and with a minimum of costly back-end development.

What are the benefits of Headless Commerce for Online Merchants?

There are multiple benefits to using both a commerce-led and a content-led ecommerce strategy.

Content- and experience-led strategies using headless commerce can provide brands with:

  1. Advanced technologies to create visionary, fast websites.
  2. Flexibility and familiarity for developers.
  3. Complete ownership over site architecture
  4. Marketing effectiveness for innovation without hurting back-end processes.
  5. Speed to market for international and omnichannel GTMs.
  6. Conversion rates and lower customer acquisition costs.

Additionally, headless commerce opens up a world of possibilities for brands that are looking for a content-led strategy, to begin with. There are now truly no limitations to the customizations that can occur in the digital e-commerce space.

These are reasons why teams may want to transition from traditional to headless e-commerce. At the same time, companies interested in improving their user experience should also know how headless can help them deliver even better customer satisfaction rates

With consumers getting used to consuming content and making purchases through various touchpoints right from Kiosks, and IoT devices to progressive web apps — legacy eCommerce platforms are struggling to keep up with the demands of today’s customers.

So how can eCommerce businesses get in on the action without having to invent their own or build back-end solutions from scratch?

The answer is Headless commerce platforms.

We’ve got an awesome case study lined up with leading Sports and Home Furnishing retailers all about this exact topic.

I’m ready to start building or already have my own e-commerce store.

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