Retail Insights Proximity Marketing

Proximity Marketing
The capabilities and techniques of online marketing are available now for traditional offline retailers, through integrated marketing solution.  Connected customers to convert potentials, send coupons, price matches and many more…all you need customer to install mobile app.
Proximity Marketing

1. SAAS and Cloud Platform 2. End to End Implementation 10 days 3. Affordable and Reliable for the current need

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Rethink, Reinvent – Digital Retail – IoT today


Rethink, Reinvent – Digital Retail – IoT today

1.     Connect store shelf to the backroom – Smarter Replenishment Algorithms
2.     Improve traceability of the inventory  – Before and After Point of Sale  
3.     Deliver Just-In-Time promotions and coupons- Connected experience
Retail Insights Gives Your Business the Power to Surprise.
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