Retail Insights help you to Prepare Last-Minute Fulfilment for 2020’s Busiest Holiday Season Ever
What’s top of mind for every retailer going into the 2020 holiday shopping season? Last-mile fulfilment and shoppers are more interested in holiday shopping online than last year.
Get started: Go the extra mile
1. Extend the season – A one-time deal or coveted product bundles.
2. Expand pickup capabilities – Set up low-and no-contact pickup options for Curbside and Store Pickup solutions.
3. Create/establish fulfilment-only at your “dark stores” designated for picking, sorting, and packing.
4. Sweat the small stuff – Over-communicate with shoppers.
· Be clear on backorders and shipping delays. Direct shoppers to help the centre with operational delays or updates.
· Make inventory visible on your website. A shopper purchases an item available nearby because of the risk of delayed delivery.
· Nurture first-time digital shoppers. Simple digital journey with Regular updates on orders and service channels
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